Sunday, February 3, 2013

Spotty Melbourne

Liv (in the blue)
Massive (in the yellow)
Car (in the pink)
LC-Wide (Kodak BW400CN) (colour spots added in Photoshop)

I'm a big believer in being authentic in analogue film photography, especially when portraying the end result truthfully. I'm not big at editing my film shots, I pretty much just remove dust & straighten the occasional photo. However since doing Blogshop in Sydney back in December, I've been inspired to add a little something to a few of my film photos. I don't think this will become a regular occurrence but it was fun &interesting to play around with a few effects & such in Photoshop.

These photos are from a selection from I took in Melbourne back at the end of last year... & these three just seemed to work well together to me.

How do you feel about post-processing / digitally editing your film photos?



Dawn said...

I think adding the spots is bold, but it is still a simple design that isn't overwhelming to the rest of the photo. When I have developed film, I'm not a huge fan of messing with things, either. Isn't that the beauty of film, anyway? Would you ever reprint these and display them together?

Rhianne said...

I'm not a huge fan to be honest but not because I have anything against editing, I would be more than happy to edit digital photos and I know how to use Photoshop but more because I love the challenge of getting the photo right from the start. The satisfaction of seeing a developed photo that is exactly what you wanted can't be beaten :)

However I wouldn't count this as editing, its more like collage, or art, I like them a lot!

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